Nitrogen and sulfur: In-season application, nutrient interactions, precision tech & more
In this episode of the Nutrient Management Podcast, we’re talking about nitrogen and sulfur application. What does current nitrogen and sulfur research mean for Minnesota growers? What do we know about the relationship between N and S in crops? What -if any- considerations should farmers make when applying S? Do N application rates need to be changed? With an earlier planting window this year will there be any issues related to N and S growers should be concerned about?
- Daniel Kaiser, Extension nutrient management specialist (St. Paul)
- Yuxin Miao, Assistant Professor of Precision Agriculture and Nutrient Management (St. Paul)
- Jeff Coulter, Extension corn agronomist (St. Paul)
- Fabian Fernandez, Extension nutrient management specialist (St. Paul)
Additional resources:
- Is it worth applying sulfur to your soybean crop?
- Sulfur fertilizer application: Does S carry over from one year to the next?
- Making sense of Minnesota’s corn fertilizer guidelines: Frequently asked questions and answers
- Precision Agriculture Center
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Support for the Nutrient Management Podcast is provided by Minnesota's fertilizer tonnage fee through the Agricultural Fertilizer Research & Education Council (AFREC). Learn more at