Maximum Return To Nitrogen (MRTN) approach to corn N rate guidelines

In this episode of the Nutrient Management Podcast, four U of M researchers discuss the Maximum Return To Nitrogen (MRTN) approach to corn N rate guidelines. What is the MRTN and why was this system implemented? What are the pros and cons of the MRTN approach and how is it performing? What should corn growers know about alternative approaches to the MRTN? Will there be any changes made to the MRTN approach in the future? Thank you to Minnesota's Agricultural Fertilizer Research and Education Council (AFREC) for supporting the podcast.
  • Dan Kaiser, Extension soil fertility specialist
  • Fabian Fernandez, Extension soil fertility specialist
  • Jeff Vetsch, U of M SROC researcher
  • Brad Carlson, Extension educator 
Additional resources:
Maximum Return To Nitrogen (MRTN) approach to corn N rate guidelines
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