Carbon markets
In this episode of the Nutrient Management Podcast, we discuss carbon markets. What is soil carbon sequestration and how does it work? What are carbon markets and how do they work? What are the risks and benefits of carbon farming? What else should farmers interested in participating in carbon markets keep in mind? Support for the Nutrient Management Podcast is provided by Minnesota's fertilizer tonnage fee through the Agricultural Fertilizer Research & Education Council (AFREC).
- Anna Cates, Extension soil health specialist
- Jodi DeJong Hughes, Extension educator, Willmar
- Amy Robak, crop advisor, Centra Sota Co-op
Additional resources:
- How to approach carbon market opportunities
- U of M Extension soil management and health
- Minnesota Office for Soil Health (MOSH)
- Ecosystem Services Market Consortium (ESMC) pilot project in central Minnesota
- All Acres for Our Waters project
- Minnesota's Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs)
- NRCS Registry of Technical Service Providers
- Carbon Smart Programming - Minnesota Corn Growers